Previous IRP and CEP Public Meetings

People can have an impact on the company’s plans through participation. Participation in the informal process can help to create more transparency, influence PGE’s plan as it is developed, and create space for direct input to PGE teams.

Transparency: what can people better see or understand by participating?

  • The considerations and priorities of PGE, OPUC Staff, and other participating groups

  • How PGE arrived at the action plan; what needs and opportunities PGE balanced during development of the plan

  • How the action plan meets PGE customer needs

Influence: what can people influence by participating?

  • The considerations and priorities PGE should consider during analysis and development of the action plan

  • How our analysis treats information like costs, prices, climate change data, etc.

Input: how does getting input from the public improve our plan?

  • You can show us our blind spots which PGE can incorporate into analysis and/ or the way we talk about our results

  • A wider range of life and professional experiences helps us identify actions which serve more people and types of communities

Get involved – attend future IRP and CEP public meetings

Attend our public meetings where we seek input and suggestions about our approach, priorities and the factors we should consider as we develop future plans. We host a technical and a non-technical meeting each month.

Members of the public, as well as government entities, non-profit organizations, community groups and businesses can participate in the IRP & CEP processes by attending a public meeting or requesting separate meetings with individuals or small groups.

The CEP/IRP Roundtable is our technical public venue where we communicate with stakeholders about the inputs, assumptions and constraints included in the models we use to construct PGE's preferred portfolio recommendation.

The Distribution System Workshops are sessions for community members and stakeholders who want to discuss, understand, and provide input on in-depth technical issues and decisions relating to our Distribution System Plan, Flex-load Multi-year Plan, Transportation Electrification Plan, and other demand-side programs and resources. These sessions focus on technical outreach, education, and feedback solicitation, with materials provided in advance to facilitate meaningful discussions.

The Office Hours are 1-hour sessions held about two weeks after a workshop, scheduled during the lunch hour. These sessions provide a chance to get follow-up questions answered and dive deeper into topics discussed.

Upcoming public meetings

If you missed a meeting, be sure to check out the respective meeting materials.


Roundtable Zoom Link PGE

  • Meeting ID: 929 186 2450

  • Passcode: 108198

  • By phone: 253-205-0468

Upcoming meeting:

  • Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

  • Time: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Distribution System Workshops

Distribution System Workshop Zoom Link PGE

  • Meeting ID: 929 186 2450

  • Passcode: 108198

  • By phone: 253-215-8782

Office hours:

  • Date: Thursday, Sept. 26

  • Time: Noon to 1 p.m.

Upcoming meeting:

  • Date: Thursday, October 24

  • Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Roundtables

Mar. 30, 2023 IRP Roundtable 23-3

Agenda (video 1, video 2, ppt)

Mar. 8, 2023 IRP Roundtable 23-2

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Data center energy efficiency opportunities (with Energy Trust of Oregon) (video, ppt)

  • Price futures (video, ppt)

  • Draft portfolio analysis results & preferred portfolio part II (video, ppt)

    • Analysis approach (video, ppt)

    • Design requirements (video, ppt)

    • Draft results (video, ppt)

    • Preferred portfolio (video, ppt)

    • Yearly price impacts (video, ppt)

    • Resource buildout robustness analysis (ppt)

    • Preferred portfolio sensitivities (ppt)

  • Draft Action Plan part II (video, ppt)

  • Initiation of request for proposals (video, ppt)

  • Stakeholder feedback

Jan. 26, 2023 IRP Roundtable 23-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Dec. 16, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-11

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Nov. 16, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-10

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Oct. 26, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-9

Agenda (full video 1 & video 2 , ppt)

Sep. 28, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-8

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Aug. 18, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-7

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Transmission Inventories (video, ppt)

  • Hybrid Resource Locations (video, ppt)

  • Draft Supply Side ELCC Values (video, ppt)

  • Draft Energy-Load Resource Balance(video, ppt)

Jul. 21, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-6

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Jun. 30, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-5

Agenda (full video, ppt)

May 17, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-4

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Apr. 14, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Mar. 14, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-2

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Order 21-215: UM 1728 Settlement(video, ppt)

  • Part 1 – QF Sensitivities(video, ppt)

  • Part 2 – ELCC Sensitivities(video, ppt)

Jan. 6, 2022 IRP Roundtable 22-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Nov. 18, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-8

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Oct. 28, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-7

Aug. 25, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-6

Jul. 22, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-5

Jun. 24, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-4

May 27, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-3

Mar. 21, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-2

Feb. 17, 2021 IRP Roundtable 21-1

Dec. 10, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-8

  • Agenda: 2019 IRP update — draft portfolio analysis, 2020 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Flex Load Potential Study.

  • PGE Presentation

Nov. 18, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-7

  • Agenda: Change to Production Tax Credits for 2019 IRP update, interconnection costs (updated for 2019 IRP update), capacity contributions, LUCAS101, ROSE-E 101

  • PGE Presentation

Oct. 28, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-6

  • Agenda: Load forecast for IRP update; capacity need, RPS position, energy position; market prices for IRP update

  • PGE Presentation

Aug. 19, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-5

  • Agenda: Price Futures, capacity assessment baseline, supply-side options

  • PGE Presentation

Jul. 29, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-4

  • Agenda: Background on Integrated Resource Planning (IRP), values discussion

  • PGE Presentation

May 20, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-3

  • Agenda: Capacity Assessment — Preliminary Model Development Workshop, climate adaptation enabling study, Stakeholder input for design/scoping

  • PGE Presentation

Apr. 14, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-2

  • Agenda: Transmission, integration cost drivers enabling study, climate adaptation enabling study

  • PGE Presentation

Mar. 19, 2020 IRP Roundtable 20-1

  • Agenda: IRP schedule and next steps, values refresh, capacity assessment, energy efficiency

  • PGE Presentation

Nov. 21, 2019 IRP Roundtable 19-3

  • Agenda: Needs assessment update, intergenerational equity, supplemental analysis, IRP Stakeholder engagement

  • PGE Presentation

May 22, 2019 IRP Roundtable 19-2

Feb. 27, 2019 IRP Roundtable 19-1

Dec. 19, 2018 IRP Roundtable 18-7

Nov. 28, 2018 IRP Roundtable 18-6

  • Agenda: Portfolio & scoring update, flexibility analysis, final DER scenarios, need update, experience curve analysis

  • PGE Presentation

Oct. 31, 2018 IRP Roundtable 18-5

  • Agenda: Market capacity study update, load forecast update, resource need update, portfolio & scoring update

  • PGE Presentation

Sept. 26, 2018 IRP Roundtable 18-4

Aug. 22, 2018 IRP Roundtable 18-3

  • Agenda: Draft Navigant study results, ROSE-E carbon constraints, Montana wind workshop - part 1, draft market prices, supply side options studies

  • PGE Presentation

  • Draft Market Prices

Jul. 11, 2018 IRP Technical Meeting

May 16, 2018 Roundtable 18-2

Apr. 26, 2018 Technical Meeting

Feb. 14, 2018 Roundtable 18-1 (Day 1 – 2019 IRP Kickoff)

  • Agenda: 2019 IRP, portfolio construction, futures and uncertainties, flexibility assessment methodology, decarbonization study, market study, customer insights

  • PGE Presentation

Feb. 15, 2018 Roundtable 18-1 (Day 2 – Technical Meeting)

  • Agenda: 2016 IRP update, need assessments and sensitivities, capacity contribution, supply side resources, Energy Trust EE forecast, distributed resource & flexible load study, load forecast

  • PGE Presentation

Nov. 16, 2016 IRP Roundtable 16-4

Aug. 17, 2016 IRP Roundtable 16-3

May 16, 2016 IRP Roundtable 16-2

Apr. 21, 2016 IRP Commission Meeting 2

Mar. 9, 2016 IRP Roundtable 16-1

Dec. 17, 2015 IRP Roundtable 5

Sept. 25, 2015 IRP Roundtable 4

Aug. 13, 2015 IRP Roundtable 3

Jul. 16, 2015 IRP Roundtable 2

Jul. 15, 2015 Technical Workshop 1

Jul. 6, 2015 Commission Workshop 1

Apr. 2, 2015 IRP Roundtable 1

Previous CEP public meetings

Dec. 14, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-4

Agenda (full video 1 & video 2, ppt)

  • Previous Clean Energy Plan (CEP) Learning Lab # 3 Recap (video, ppt)

  • PGE’s Approach to Community Benefit Indicators (CBIs) (video, ppt)

  • Community Benefits Indicators (CBIs), iCBI, rCBI, pCBI in the IRP Modeling (video, ppt)

  • Resilience Update & Potential Resilience Products (video, ppt)

  • Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) November Roundtable Recap(video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 4 Survey 

Nov. 17, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Previous Clean Energy Plan (CEP) Learning Lab Recap (video, ppt)

  • Community Based Resources (CBREs) & Community Benefits Indicators (CBIs) (video, ppt)

  • Resilience (video, ppt)

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) 101 (video, ppt)

  • Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Roundtable Recap (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 3 Survey 

Oct. 27, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-2

Agenda (full video & ppt)

  • DSP Lessons Learned, Partner Comments, PGE actions (video, ppt)

  • Update on ETO Collaboration, (video, ppt)

  • Continuation of IRP 101, (video, ppt)

  • Grid Needs and NWS, (video, ppt)

  • DSP/CEP Intersection: NWS/CBI/CBRE, (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks , (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 2 Survey 

Sep. 27, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

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