Clean Energy Planning and Integrated Resource Planning

What kinds of energy will we need in Oregon’s clean energy future?

About the 2023 Clean Energy & Integrated Resource Plan

PGE’s combined Clean Energy Plan and Integrated Resource Plan and (CEP/IRP) marks the next step in our decarbonization journey and lays out a comprehensive roadmap for how we will meet customer energy needs and greenhouse gas emissions targets while maintaining reliability, safety and affordability. It will take all of us working together to get there.

Learn more about our combined Clean Energy and Integrated Resource plan.

PGE's 2023 Clean Energy & Integrated Resource Plan

How are we planning to meet our 2030 emissions reduction target while maintaining reliability and affordability for customers? Kristen Sheeran, Director of Resource Planning & Sustainability, shares PGE's five steps.

What kinds of energy resources will Oregon need?

To achieve our 2030 emissions reduction target while maintaining reliability, PGE plans to add a significant amount of clean energy resources to our portfolio. Brett Greene, Senior Director of Resource Acquisition, shares the types of resources we're pursuing and their roles.

Accessing clean energy

Providing reliable power to customers while reducing emissions will require upgrading our transmission lines and adding new transmission infrastructure. Pam Sporborg, Director of Transmission & Market Services, shares how transmission solutions and regional markets play a role in our clean energy strategy.

Renewable energy, closer to home

Jacob Goodspeed, Principal Energy Supply Procurement Originator, shares the growing role of Community Based Renewable Energy (CBREs) in our clean energy strategy. These are small scale, customer owned renewable resources located within communities.

How can you join the clean energy journey?

Dain Nestel, Director of Sales at PGE, shares some of the critical ways customers can contribute to our clean energy strategy, from renewable energy at home to participation in demand response programs.