We use:
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) & Clean Energy Plan (CEP)
Integrated Resource Planning estimates future energy needs and identifies the optimal portfolio of resources to meet those needs at the lowest costs. It details the near-term actions we propose to take to provide reliable, affordable and increasingly clean power for our customers.
Clean Energy Planning evolves our integrated resource planning to demonstrate how we can meet greenhouse gas emissions targets. It informs our pathways to decarbonizing our energy mix.
Distribution System Plan (DSP)
Distribution System Planning assesses our future distribution system capacity needs, forecasts where we will need more energy resources and prioritizes modernization projects that will make the most of new energy sources.
Flexible Load Multi-Year Plan (MYP)
Flexible Load Multi-Year Planning sets for the budget and roadmap for flexible load activity including new customer pilot programs. Flexible load is a tool we use to leverage customers energy assets such as thermostats, water heaters, batteries and EVs to provide grid and societal benefits like greenhouse gas reduction.
Transportation Electrification Plan (TEP)
Transportation Electrification Planning supports the development of our transportation electrification by identifying the future energy demand attributed to it and planning to serve and manage it, creating a portfolio of programs and infrastructure measures.