Leadership in Sustainability

Advancing toward a clean energy future

We seek solutions that reduce environmental impacts from our operations, protect the safety, health and well-being of our employees and partners; and build lasting value for all our customers and shareholders. Our customers, communities, employees and partners are firmly at the center of PGE’s sustainability efforts.

2024 resources and emissions at a glance

1. Percentages above represent 2024 resource mix from PGE's total system load, inclusive of wholesale volumes. The percentage of 2024 retail load, excluding wholesale sales, served by non-emitting resources is 40%. Refer to the appendix for additional information.

2. Represents utility-scale solar generated for Oregon retail load, does not include 279,957 MWh of customer rooftop solar resources.

3. Hydro amounts include purchases from Bonneville Power Administration, which may have an immaterial amount of emissions associated with them, per ODEQ rules.

4. Unspecified is purchased power for which a specific generating resource is not defined and could be any of the generation types (e.g., wind, hydro, gas).

Resilient energy ecosystem

As Oregon’s largest electricity supplier, we hold significant responsibilities to steward critical habitats, protect air and water quality and minimize environmental impacts in the places we serve electricity.

*These figures are preliminary and based on generated and purchased energy associated with serving retail customers within the state of Oregon, as required by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ). Some or all of the renewable energy attributes associated with PGE's Basic Service Mix may be sold, claimed or not acquired.

Greenhouse gas emissions

PGE has ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power served to retail customers within the state of Oregon.

Thriving communities and teams

We never lose sight of our essential purpose: securing a future of safe, affordable and reliable clean energy for everyone.

$5.5M total company charitable giving from corporate contributions, PGE Foundation, current and retired employees and company match.

55 scholarships through the PGE Foundation and PGE Director Scholarship program focused on access to higher education for students of color, women and students with demonstrated financial need.

66% employee participation in charitable giving and/or volunteerism.

22,957 volunteer hours completed by employees and retirees.


We believe good governance is the foundation for consistent, long-term value creation - it allows us to be prepared to address key issues while providing a framework that reflects our values of service, accountability, innovation, sustainability and affordability.

Corporate strategic imperatives

wind turbines with yellow background


Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity served to retail customers by at least 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040.

electric car with lightning bolt and yellow background


Increase beneficial electricity use to capture the benefits of new technologies while building an increasingly clean, flexible and reliable grid.

Two transmission towers with yellow background


Improve efficiency, safety and system and equipment reliability while maintaining affordable energy service and growing earnings per share 5% to 7% annually.