Portland General Electric requests that partners provide feedback upon the conclusion of each learning lab workshop and/or partner conference call. We value your input, and partner feedback is critical to the TEP public input process. We ask that partners provide comments using the form below, which will allow us to review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the TEP, such as the process, assumptions, and analysis.
PGE uses the TEP process to gather feedback and share information with partners. In the TEP, PGE does not share restricted or confidential information since there is no OPUC protective order in place and participants are not asked to sign confidentiality agreements. Published responses to questions reflect PGE’s perspective at the time which may evolve, PGE will provide updates as applicable.
In providing your feedback, we request that you identify whether you approve posting your comments and PGE’s response on the TEP website. This form will close once the TEP is filed with the Oregon Public Utility Commission and the regulatory docket UM 2033 process begins where partners can provide comments and ask questions.