DSP Public Meeting Materials (archive)

Here you will find information we’ve shared during the DSP proceedings – past meeting presentations, video recordings, supplemental materials, and our final Distribution System Plan report.

Distribution System Plan Reports

Previous Distribution System Planning (DSP) Learning Labs

Dec 14, 2023 Learning Lab 23-10

Agenda (full video, pdf)

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) Integration Opportunity (video, pdf)

  • Distribution System & DER Readiness (video, pdf)

  • Closing Remarks & Next Steps (video, pdf)

Nov 2, 2023 Learning Lab 23-9 

Agenda (full video, pdf) 

Sept. 7, 2023 Learning Lab 23-8

Agenda (full video, pdf)

  • Learning Lab Update (video, pdf)

  • Transportation Electrification Final Plan (video, pdf)

  • Flexible Load Customer Journeys (video, pdf)

  • Closing Remarks & Next Steps (video, pdf)

Jul. 27, 2023 Learning Lab 23-7

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Flexible Load Multi-Year Plan Update (video, pdf)

  • Flexible Load Customer Journeys (video, pdf)

  • NEEA Proposal for Flex Load Market Transformation (video, pdf)

  • Acquisition/Purchase of Community-Based Renewable Energy Projects (video, pdf)

  • Closing Remarks & Next Steps (video, pdf)

Jun. 15, 2023 Learning Lab 23-6

Agenda (full video, ppt)

May 18, 2023 CEP Learning Lab 23-5

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Wildfire Awareness Announcement Event Schedule (video, ppt)

  • Energy Trust of Oregon | PGE – Collaboration Update (video, ppt)

  • PGE Acknowledgement of CEP/IRP Comments (video, ppt)

  • CEP/IRP Filing Questions & Answers (video, ppt)

  • Closing Remarks & Next Steps (video, ppt)

  • Energy Trust & PGE Collaboration Survey.

Apr. 20, 2023 Learning Lab 23-4

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Mar. 16, 2023 Learning Lab 23-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Walk through the CEP/IRP Report (video, ppt)

    • Structure of the Document (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 1. Clean energy plan (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 2. Accessing support for energy transition (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 3. Planning environment (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 4. Futures and uncertainties (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 5. GHG emissions forecasting (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 6. Resource needs (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 7. Community benefits indicators and community-based renewable energy (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 8. Resource options (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 9. Transmission (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 10. Resource economics (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 11. Portfolio analysis (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 12. Action Plan (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 13. Resilience (video, ppt)

    • Chapter 14. Community equity lens and engagement (video, ppt)

  • IRP Preferred Portfolio (video, ppt)

  • IRP Yearly Price Impacts (video, ppt

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

Feb. 16, 2023 Learning Lab 23-2

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • CEP Emissions Compliance, Action Plan & Preferred Portfolio (video, ppt) 

  • Reflections of Community Engagement (video, ppt) 

  • CBRE Acquisition Path (video, ppt) 

  • Community Benefit Indicators Update (video, ppt) 

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks(video, ppt) 

  • Learning Lab # 6 Survey

Jan. 19, 2023 Learning Lab 23-1 

Agenda (full video, ppt) 

  • Community Engagement Update (video, ppt)

  • Resilience Update (video, ppt)

  • Potential CBRE Acquisition Paths Update (video, ppt)

  • Community Benefit Indicators Update (video, ppt)

  • CBIAG Update (video, ppt)

  • Distribution System Plan DG Map Update (video, ppt)

  • Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) December Roundtable Recap (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 5 Survey 

Aug. 3, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-7

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • DSP Part 2 – DSP Goals & Integration with the CEP (Executive Summary) (video, ppt)

  • Non-wires Solutions (Ch 6) (video, ppt)

  • Human-centered Planning (Ch 2) (video, ppt)

  • Distribution System Planning (Ch 1, 4 & 5) (video, ppt)

  • Load Forecast and DER Adoption (Ch 3) (video, ppt)

  • Near Term Action Plan (Ch 7) (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps (video, ppt)

Jul. 13, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-6

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) Water Heaters Update (video, ppt)

  • Transportation Electrification Plan (video, ppt)

  • Solution Identification (video, ppt)

  • Non-wires Solutions (video, ppt)

  • Large Projects and Community Engagement (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps (video, ppt)

Jun. 8, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-5

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Apr. 27, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-4

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) & Water Heater Example (video, ppt)

  • DER Forecast – AdopDER Preliminary Updated Results (video, ppt)

  • Reporting Lessons Learned from Community Workshops (video, ppt)

  • Clean Energy Plan Update (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps (video, ppt)

Mar. 30, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement (video, ppt)

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) & Water Heater Example (video, ppt)

  • Solar Innovation & Community Partnership Update (video, ppt)

  • Current Distribution Planning Process (video, ppt)

  • Non-wires Solutions Project Candidates (video, ppt)

Feb. 17, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-2

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement (video, ppt)

  • Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) & Water Heater Example (video, ppt)

  • Solar Innovation & Community Partnership Update (video, ppt)

  • Distribution Planning Evolution and Non-wires Solutions (video, ppt)

  • Guest Speaker: Discussion on Cost Effectiveness (video, ppt)

Jan. 12, 2022 DSP Partner Workshop 22-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • DSP Part Two Framing: (video, ppt)

  • DSP Part Two Updates: Community Engagement (video, ppt)

  • DSP Part One Updates: Solar Innovation & Community Partnership (video, ppt)

  • DSP Part One Updates: Hosting Capacity Analysis (video, ppt)

  • Equitable Deployment of DERs & Non-wires Solutions (video, ppt)

  • Cost Effectiveness: PGE DERs Research Update (video, ppt)

  • DER Forecast Updates (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps and Open Questions & Comments (video, ppt)

Dec. 14, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-4

Agenda (full video 1 & video 2, ppt)

  • Previous Clean Energy Plan (CEP) Learning Lab # 3 Recap (video, ppt)

  • PGE’s Approach to Community Benefit Indicators (CBIs) (video, ppt)

  • Community Benefits Indicators (CBIs), iCBI, rCBI, pCBI in the IRP Modeling (video, ppt)

  • Resilience Update & Potential Resilience Products (video, ppt)

  • Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) November Roundtable Recap(video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 4 Survey 

Nov. 17, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Previous Clean Energy Plan (CEP) Learning Lab Recap (video, ppt)

  • Community Based Resources (CBREs) & Community Benefits Indicators (CBIs) (video, ppt)

  • Resilience (video, ppt)

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) 101 (video, ppt)

  • Previous Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Roundtable Recap (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 3 Survey 

Oct. 27, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-2

Agenda (full video & ppt)

  • DSP Lessons Learned, Partner Comments, PGE actions (video, ppt)

  • Update on ETO Collaboration, (video, ppt)

  • Continuation of IRP 101, (video, ppt)

  • Grid Needs and NWS, (video, ppt)

  • DSP/CEP Intersection: NWS/CBI/CBRE, (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps & Closing Remarks , (video, ppt)

  • Learning Lab # 2 Survey 

Sep. 27, 2022 CEP Learning Lab 22-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Dec. 8, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-10

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • DSP Part One Updates & DSP Part Two Framing (video, ppt)

  • Current Distribution Planning Process (video, ppt)

  • Moving Toward a Future Distribution Planning Process (video, ppt)

  • Non-wires Solutions (NWS): Definitions, Solutions & Locations (video, ppt)

  • Preparing for more DERs (specifically, rooftop solar) (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps and Open Questions & Comments (video, ppt)

Nov. 10, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-9

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • DSP Part 2 Roadmap (video, ppt)

  • DSP Part 1 Report Office Hours (video)

Aug. 11, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-8

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Introduction: How to navigate the report (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 1: Distribution system overview (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 2: Distribution system vision (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 3: Empowered communities: Equitable participation in the distribution decisions (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 4: Modernized grid: Building a platform for participation (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 5: Resilience: Managing disruptive events (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 6: Plug and play: Enabling DER adoption (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 7: Evolved regulatory framework: Incentives that motivate equitable DER enablement and adoption (video, ppt)

  • Ch. 8: Plan for Development of Part 2 (video, ppt)

  • Next Steps (video, ppt)

Jul. 14, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-7

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement Update (video, ppt)

  • Baseline Date & System Assessment (video, ppt)

  • Long Term Plan (video, ppt)

  • Hosting Capacity Analysis Updates (ppt)

Jun. 09, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-6

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Saturday (ppt) Sunday (ppt)

May. 14, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-5

Agenda (full video 1 & video 2, ppt)

  • Baseline Data and System Assessment: Review Datasets (video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement Plan: Community Facilitator Scope of Work Update (video, ppt)

  • Non-Wire Alternatives (NWA): Overview (video, ppt)

  • DER Potential & Flex Load Analysis – Phase 1 (video, ppt)

  • Long Term Plan: Update (ppt)

  • Hosting Capacity Analysis: Technical Working Group (TWG) Update (ppt)

  • DRAFT Baseline requirements version 0

Apr. 14, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-4

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement Plan: Community Facilitator Scope of Work Update (video, ppt)

  • DER Potential & Flex Load Analysis – Phase 1 (video, ppt)

  • Hosting Capacity Analysis: Options Analysis (video, ppt)

  • Baseline Data and System Assessment: Example Datasets Update (video, ppt)

  • Long Term Plan: Grid Modernization (video, ppt)

Mar. 10, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-3

Agenda (full video, ppt)

  • Community Engagement Plan: Community Facilitator Scope of Work Update (video, ppt)

  • Baseline Data and System Assessment: Example Datasets Update (video, ppt)

  • Hosting Capacity Analysis: Approach Update (video, ppt)

  • Long Term Plan: Approach Update (video, ppt)

  • DER Potential & Flex Load Update (video, ppt)

Feb. 10, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-2

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Jan. 13, 2021 DSP Partner Workshop 21-1

Agenda (full video, ppt)

Additional resources

The official materials associated with the UM2005 docket are available on the OPUC’s website.

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