Why is My Power Out?

We're always working to keep the grid safe and reliable, but outages can still happen. Find out what causes them, how we restore power and steps you can take to be ready. See our outage map for real-time updates.

General outages

General outages are caused by unexpected events like wildlife, equipment issues, traffic accidents, natural disasters and weather-related causes like strong wind and ice.

Scheduled maintenance

A scheduled outage happens when we temporarily turn off power for planned infrastructure improvements or repairs. This maintenance strengthens the energy grid to make it smarter, more efficient and more reliable.

Public Safety Power Shutoff

A PSPS happens when we temporarily turn off power because extreme weather conditions are making it unsafe to operate our equipment. A PSPS is a last-resort option to help protect you, your property and community from a potential wildfire. Learn more about PSPS outages, including where they are more likely to happen and what to expect during one.

Rotating outages

Rotating outages are a last-resort option to balance energy demand and supply if customer demand exceeds available power. During a rotating outage, we temporarily turn off power to a limited number of customers for up to two hours at a time to relieve stress on the power grid and help prevent widespread power loss.

Frequently asked questions and answers

We work as quickly as safety allows to restore service. First, we ensure public safety resources such as hospitals, water treatment facilities and other critical infrastructure are restored. Then our crews prioritize work that will restore power to the most customers first and continue the work until service is restored for everyone. Find more information on our restoration efforts.

If your power is out, track the status of your outage through our outage map. If you're a residential or small business customer, we'll text you when your power's out. If you don’t receive a text, you can still report outages on our mobile app, online or by calling us at 503-464-7777.

We know being without power can be frustrating and our crews will work to get everyone’s power back on as quickly and safely as they can.

Having a plan for outages is always a good idea. Start by logging in to your PGE account and making sure we have your current information, including a mobile phone number and email address. Next, if your medical needs require electricity, apply to the PGE Medical Certificate program. And finally, use our guide to prepare for outages at home or at your business.