Create a summer outage kit
Create an outage kit specifically for summer and make sure everyone in your business knows where to find it. Below are a few basic items and you’ll find a more robust checklist for a PSPS here.
Flashlights or camp lights for all areas, including bathrooms
Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
Battery-powered or manual clock/watch and fans
Extra batteries
Car chargers for cell phones and electronic devices
Bottled water for people and animals (if your water relies on an electric pump)
Emergency phone numbers, including PGE Customer Service: 503-228-6322 or the number of your account representative

Minimize business disruption
Having a plan in case of a power outage at your business can help minimize disruption. Communicate your outage response plan with key employees, and make sure everyone knows where to find your outage kit. Also:
Plan a manual alternative for work done on computers and cash registers
Ensure electronic door locks can be bypassed manually
If you have an emergency lighting system, make sure it’s in good working order
Train your employees to know what to do if they’re working when the power goes out, including shutting down sensitive equipment (see below)