Energy Partner Insights

Real-time energy use data to help guide your business’ energy strategy

Understand your energy footprint

Energy Partner Insights is an energy information solution that puts PGE meter and billing data in the hands of those who need it most. Packed with data visualization tools, energy analytics, PGE billing detail and your reporting needs, Energy Partner Insights gives you the tools to better understand your business' energy use.

Why choose Energy Partner Insights?

Whether you're in facilities, production, billing or sustainability, Energy Partner Insights offers a host of tools to get you the numbers you need to be successful. This platform provides customers like you with:

  • Centralized access to your energy use and monthly billing data.

  • Streamlined efforts involved in understanding demand and consumption patterns, and building-level energy costs.

  • A dashboard of building performance metrics and customizable widgets for different roles in your organization, so you can customize your view based on what’s most important.

  • Easy access to monthly billing details with automated audit flags to highlight notable variances.

  • Impactful graphics, trend lines and period-over-period comparison options on multiple metrics, such as energy consumption, load factor, and cost.

  • Programable energy use thresholds that trigger notifications when breeched.

  • Meter interval data analytics to identify “hot spots”, review daily and monthly profiles and see average daily energy use.

  • Many reporting options to aggregate and consolidate building-level information into exportable formats you can share and further analyze.

How does it work?

Energy Partner Insights is updated daily to capture the most recent interval meter data available, and billing data is uploaded as soon as each monthly bill is released. When you log in, you instantly have access to the platform's suite of dashboards, modules, charts, analytics and reports. Nearly everything you need to optimize your energy management right at your fingertips.

Is Energy Partner Insights right for you?

When it comes to how and when your business uses energy, optimization makes a real impact. With Energy Partner Insights, knowledge is quite literally power. To learn more, email

Check out the Energy Partner Insights Platform Guide .

Looking for more ways to manage your energy use? We’ve got options.

We know your business depends on safe and reliable energy. And while delivering that is always our top priority, we want to make sure you’re ready in the event of an emergency. Our Energy Partner On Demand and Energy Partner Resiliency programs are designed to do just that.

The more you can remove the guesswork around your business’ energy consumption, the better. Energy Partner Smart Thermostat gives you more control of your energy use while helping you save money year-round.

To learn more, contact your PGE representative or email