Outdoor Safety

Learn how to be safe around electricity when working or playing outdoors.

Safety basics

Electricity can jump! It's always seeking a path to the ground through water, trees, metal, wood, concrete, as well as people and animals. These things don’t have to touch a wire to electrocute you, so always keep yourself and your equipment at least 20 feet away from power lines. It’s not only safe, it’s also the law.

Kids’ outdoor safety basics

  • Fly kites, drones and model planes only in open areas away from power lines.

  • Keep kids away from trees that are near power lines.

  • Never play on or around electrical equipment.

  • Keep anything electric away from water.

  • Steer clear of electric sockets and never put fingers or other objects in an outlet.

We’ve made it easy (and, we hope, a little bit fun) to help the kids in your life learn outdoor safety rules. Checkout the Kids’ Safety Education page to find educational resources for students of all ages.

Yard safety & maintenance

Tree maintenance

Trees and power lines aren’t a good combination. PGE vegetation crews regularly prune trees to maintain necessary clearances. Get tips on how you can safely maintain your trees and shrubbery around power lines.

Call 811 before you dig

If you’re doing yard work, make sure you call 811 to keep safe and remember planting trees near transformers is very dangerous. Always leave at least 20 feet between transformers and your landscaping.

Choose your cords wisely

Only use heavy-duty, grounded, three-pronged extension cords rated for outdoor use. Check them regularly for any breaks or damage and throw them out if you find any defects. Never alter or make temporary repairs to a cord.

  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are a good investment for all outdoor outlets to help protect you from serious injury.

  • Cut, punctured or scuffed electric cords are dangerous! Replace them immediately.

  • Never overload a circuit or daisy-chain power strips. This invites danger.

Additional safety tips

Water and electricity

They don't mix! Always keep your electrical equipment away from pools and hot tubs, fountains and standing water.

Outdoor lighting

See options for installing streetlights and outdoor lighting. If you see a streetlight out, report it to us online or call 503-464-7777.

Storm safety

See a downed power line? Stay away! If you find yourself near a downed power line, shuffle away, keeping both feet in contact with the ground at all times. Call PGE immediately at  503-464-7777  or  800-544-1795 to report any downed utility line and follow these safety tips:

  • If you see a downed or sagging line, stay at least 50 feet away!

  • A downed line doesn’t have to spark to be dangerous.

  • Don’t touch anything near a downed power line.

  • If a person or animal is in contact with electricity, stay back.

  • If a line falls on your car, stay in your vehicle until the line is de-energized.