The PGE Renewable Development Fund is made possible by a community of more than 225,000 Green Future customers, the largest renewable program in the country. RDF funds come from a portion of the payments that Green Future Choice and Block customers voluntarily pay in addition to their standard PGE electricity bill. Since its inception in 1999, the Renewable Development Fund has awarded 119 projects with more than $20 million, creating more than 17.1 MW of renewable generation.
Eligible projects fall into one or more of these categories:
All or part of the costs of new “steel in the ground” renewable energy projects, as well as connected energy storage, that are directly connected to PGE’s grid or delivered to PGE pursuant to a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
New energy storage components connected to an existing renewable energy project.
Research and development projects that facilitate renewable energy market transformation or the emergence of new renewable technologies.
Educational components directly associated with an RDF funded renewables project. Additional funding up to $7,500 is available for these efforts.
Preference is given to projects that:
Are hosted by a non-profit entity or in partnership with such an entity.
Are located within PGE service area and/or owned by a PGE customer.
Benefit environmental justice communities.
Provide a substantial educational, environmental and economic benefit to the community and PGE customers.
Demonstrate efforts to obtain all other available funding sources, including incentives, grants, tax credits, in-kind donations or other creative efforts.
This is an open and competitive application process. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by third-party vendors in accordance with established evaluation criteria. Award funding is limited and will differ from project to project based on applicant request and available funding.
Date | Jul. 1, 2024 |
Key milestone | PGE begins accepting applications online. Be sure to review the new energy storage component this year! |
Date | Jul. 18, 2024 |
Key milestone | Applicant webinar |
Date | Aug. 1, 2024 |
Key milestone | Application milestone – deadline for eligible projects to submit their incentive applications to the Energy Trust. |
Date | Aug. 31, 2024 |
Key milestone | Application closes at 5 p.m. PST. |
Date | Feb. 2025 |
Key milestone | Public announcement of award decision (pending OPUC approval).* |
Date | Sept. 30, 2026 |
Key milestone | Deadline for project completion. |
Contact the Energy Trust of Oregon
All Renewable Development Fund projects that are eligible to receive an Energy Trust installation incentive must work with an Energy Trust solar trade ally contractor and receive a cover letter through the Solar Development Assistance (SDA) incentive pathway prior to applying to the Renewable Development Fund. We encourage interested parties to work with our Energy Trust colleagues to determine proper timing.
Make sure your project meets requirements
Review all applicant resources below to make sure your project meets the Renewable Development Fund requirements, preferences, goals, and scoring criteria. Energy storage is required for solar projects hosted by private and government organizations, as well as multifamily and community centers hosted by nonprofits. For all other projects, battery storage is encouraged.
Build a team
And include project partners and community members.
Ask for help
Communicate with the Grants Manager with any questions. Reach out to
Get organized
Put together your project details, discuss available funding sources, and develop a project timeline. Review PGE’s information about generating your own power.
Please review our list of resources below. We will also hold an applicant webinar on July 18 at noon. If you'd like to RSVP or have any questions about the application process, please email
Through our Renewable Development Fund, millions of dollars have been awarded to organizations throughout Oregon who are helping build a clean energy future.
“This solar installation is an opportunity for OMSI and PGE to lead by example together, educating and inspiring our community to advance regional sustainability goals and to take informed action in the fight against climate change. As a leader in the field of informal science education and developing interactive educational experiences that stimulate curiosity, we are very excited for the opportunity to generate community benefit on this scale.”
- Erin Graham, President and CEO of Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, 2020 Renewable Development Fund award recipient
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72 & Foster Apartments
106.5 kW DC solar array - $180,976 awarded – project will be able to cover a majority of the electricity costs for shared common areas, allowing REACH CDC to maintain rent prices for low-income residents.
Rockwood Boys & Girls Club
100.8 kW DC solar array - $401,500 awarded – cost savings will strengthen youth programming and expand social services for Club clientele.
Banks Fire District No. 13
86 kW DC solar array - $230,100 awarded – as a volunteer fire station, savings from energy costs will go to equipment, training and outreach at local schools.
Tucker Maxon School
45.8 kW DC solar array - $127,443 awarded – project will help lower overall electricity costs for the hearing impaired-focused school, freeing up funding for either scholarships or curriculum enhancement that will tie back to renewable energy.
Oregon Zoo
216.6 kW DC solar array - $385,334 awarded – part of the zoo’s initiative to be 100% powered by renewable energy and provide hands-on learning for their 1.6 million annual visitors.
Zenger Farms
16.56 kW DC solar array - $65,730 awarded – funding allowed expansion of their Healthy Eating on a Budget program to show families and students how to make better choices and utilize freshly grown fruits and veggies.
Redd East
102.24kW DC solar array - $228,816 awarded – this property is a last mile logistics center where products from mid-sized farms can be stores and delivered to local businesses. Savings from the project will be passed onto the tenants of the building.
Clear Creek Communications
109.08 DC solar array - $286,056.80 awarded – provides a community benefit by reducing operational costs and supporting critical communication services in a rural area, especially during natural disasters.
Planned Parenthood of Salem
45.56kW DC solar array - $119,688 awarded – funding allows long-term resiliency and sustainability with savings being redistributed to serve over 5,000 individuals who access their offerings annually.