Free Wood Chips

Our crews generate a lot of wood chips each year as they prune and trim around our power lines and electrical equipment. We want to recycle all of them as efficiently as possible. That's where you come in. Review the information below and see if we can set you up with a free load.

We offer free wood chips in neighborhoods where we’re actively working. They’re an excellent addition to your compost mix and you can also use them to supplement fertilizer in your garden or yard, spread them along a walking path or cover exposed soil to prevent erosion.

Before requesting chips

Trucks that deliver chips are tall, wide, heavy and hard to back into tight spaces. Low arbors, carports or garage overhangs can prevent truck access. We will deliver either a full load or multiple loads only.

A full load of chips is 8 to 10 cubic yards. For comparison, a standard pickup truck can hold 1 cubic yard.

We can only deliver chips to private property and we can't dump on roads or other public rights of way.

To preserve our equipment and your property, we reserve the right not to dump chips once we arrive.

Wood chips, not decorative bark dust

The chips often contain several varieties of trees – both evergreen and deciduous.

The chips have qualities that make them ideal for many uses because they contain stored nutrients.

Our wood chips are a representative mix of all the material the tree crews deal with during normal operations.

The mix of tree chips normally includes a variety of ground up tree wood, bark, needles and leaves.

Feeling chipper?

The worms in your compost pile will be happier than ever with our gourmet Oregon blend of tree wood, bark, needles and leaves.