Start by choosing the temporary power that’s right for your project:
Regular temporary service is metered, so you pay for the exact amount of energy you use per billing cycle. It also uses service equipment you own and requires an electrical permit. Equipment and construction requirements are in PGE’s Electric Service Requirements book, section 4.
More information
Regular temporary service can be run overhead or underground. There is an installation fee plus monthly usage bills for this service.
Commercial construction customers, as well as those needing power for short-term projects – such as Christmas tree lots or food carts – should select regular temporary service.
Residential building sites can only select regular temporary service in areas with overhead power lines.
Process for obtaining temporary service
The process of obtaining a temporary service normally follows these steps:
Obtain an electrical permit for the meter base from your local jurisdiction.
Submit a temporary service request by contacting PGE’s Service Coordination desk at 503-323-6700 Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
PGE visits the site and identifies an approved meter spot.
Prepare the job site and install the temporary service. Before digging, call the Oregon Utility Notification center hotline (811 or 800-332-2344).
For underground temporary service, before trenches and conduit are backfilled, schedule an inspection by calling PGE’s Service Coordination desk or your Field Construction Coordinator.
In both underground and overhead installations, you must pass electrical inspections to verify compliance with local and/or state ordinances and laws.
Contact PGE’s Service Coordination desk to inform us that the site passed inspection, the meter base is stickered with the jurisdictional approval and is ready for the final PGE inspection of the temporary service.
PGE conducts a final inspection and later (if the site passes the inspection) PGE crews will connect and energize the temporary service.
Gold temporary service is the most convenient way for you to get temporary electrical service at a residential building site.
More information
Gold temporary service may be used only for lights, tools and equipment necessary for the construction of the home(s) less than or equal to 5 hp. It may not be used for operation of permanently installed appliances, equipment or construction trailers, or to heat or dry structures under construction.
You can have Gold temporary service installed at any single-family residential building site in areas served by underground lines. (Some smaller multifamily units may also qualify.)
As of January 2025, Gold temporary service is $1069 for an initial six month period and $479 per six month renewal. This price includes installation, all energy used, and removal of the temporary service. This price does not include the cost of a transformer when none is present at the site, or a new transformer is required.
When using a PGE Gold Temporary Service, you must use electrical extension cord sets (or other devices) that incorporate ground fault interrupters (GFIs) to comply with local codes.
A PGE job sketch, also known as a design, will be required if no transformer is present at the site, or a new transformer is required. As the customer, it is your responsibility to install the conduit according to the job sketch. PGE's responsibility is for installing the transformer for the Gold Temporary Service and no permits are required.
How Gold temporary service works
After you order Gold temporary service, we will install a temporary pedestal at the property line with four 110- and one 220-volt receptacles.
With Gold temporary service, no government or municipality permits are required and no service inspections by us are needed. We take care of any maintenance of the pedestal.
After the final electrical inspection by the local governmental jurisdiction, we will install the permanent service and replace the temporary pedestal with a permanent pedestal cover.
To request temporary power, contact the service desk at 503-323-6700 from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F.