This summer make earning rebates a family affair

The Peak Time Rebates season kicks off in June

For Jennifer, Peak Time Rebates isn’t just a way to get rewarded for shifting her energy use during high-demand times, it’s also a family affair. Her family decides before each Peak Time Event what they are going to do to save. “We agreed no laundry or dishwasher during the event,” Jennifer said. Good choice, Jennifer! Appliances account for about 13% of most household electric use, so waiting to do laundry and dishes until the peak event is over will help you save on your bill. Jennifer knows that not only does Peak Time Rebates reward you and keep prices lower for the community, the program also allows us to rely on more renewable resources at peak times.

Enrollment is free and now is a great time to join our community of like-minded savers. Or, if you have a smart thermostat (or want to get one) you can earn rewards with our Smart Thermostat program, which automatically adjusts your settings a few degrees during Peak Time Events.

The choice is yours!

Whether you choose Peak Time Rebates or the Smart Thermostat program, you’re always in control of your comfort. Plus, you’ll be making a positive impact on the environment by helping us bring more renewable energy sources into the mix while keeping prices more affordable for the community.

Both programs offer rewards and are easy to enroll in, but first you’ll need to decide which one is right for you. Here are the advantages each has to offer:

Peak Time Rebates

  • There’s no cost to enroll

  • You don’t need any specific equipment

  • You decide when you participate and how much you do for each event

  • Earn rebates on your bill

  • Average rebate: $2-3 per event*

Sign Up

Smart Thermostat Program

  • There’s no cost to enroll, but you need a smart thermostat

  • You have a ducted heat pump, electric forced air furnace or central air conditioning

  • You don’t have to do anything – your thermostat shifts automatically

  • Earn rewards o $25 for signing up o $25 for each season that you participate

Sign Up

*Your actual savings will vary, so there is no guarantee of savings.