Standard service (Annual Cost of Service) and Daily Market Pricing
(Weighted for on- and off-peak prices)
An estimated Schedule 128 TRANSITION ADJUSTMENT has been added to the daily price. This is only for comparison purposes and your specific 128 charge may differ and be important in your evaluation decision.
Includes ALL pricing adjustments applicable to Sch 83 based upon a cents/kWh charge, except Sch 108 , 109
and 115
Includes prices for energy only, delivery charges are not included.
Any representation of past performance is NOT a prediction of future prices.
Standard service (Annual Cost of Service) and Daily Market Pricing
(Weighted for on- and off-peak prices)
An estimated Schedule 128 TRANSITION ADJUSTMENT has been added to the daily price. This is only for comparison purposes and your specific 128 charge may differ and be important in your evaluation decision.
Includes ALL pricing adjustments applicable to Sch 85 based upon a cents/kWh charge, except Sch 108
, 109
and 115
Includes prices for energy only, delivery charges are not included.
Any representation of past performance is NOT a prediction of future prices.
You can also view standard service historical prices in our pricing archive.