Understanding My Bill

Find answers to questions about your bill and the charges on it.

A video guide to your bill

When it comes to reading your bill, we know it's important for you to understand the different charges, adjustments, taxes and fees included each month. We've created these videos to provide you with a guide to better understanding the charges and how they show up on your monthly bill.

The Basic Layout: Start here for a quick orientation to the different sections of your bill.

The Energy Charges: Get a breakdown of how we calculate your monthly energy charges including the basic service, transmission and distribution charges.

The Adjustments, Other Charges and Credits, and Taxes and Fees: Gain a better understanding of the different adjustments, taxes and other fees included in your monthly bill.

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Understanding my bill: your questions answered

Why does my bill have an estimated energy use charge?

Every month PGE does a read of your meter at the end of your billing cycle to calculate your energy use for the entire cycle. If we are unable to communicate with your meter, we will estimate your energy use based on historical usage for the location. During the following month’s cycle, we will be able to get the accurate read and will correct the billing for the estimated usage.

I need help paying my bill, what options do I have?

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to pay your energy bills. Help may be available through a variety of resources, start here to see which ones you're eligible to receive. You can also log in to your account to see what payment arrangements are available for you.

How can I reduce my energy use?

We recommend visiting our Save Money page for information on energy-efficiency actions you can take at home and PGE programs that pay you for participating. If you're a business customer, sign up for a free Energy Savings Checkup with one of our Energy Experts.

What does this adjustment on my bill mean?

Regulatory adjustments are captured on the bill and account for the recovery of costs or to provide credits associated with initiatives and government regulations, some of which are for PGE and some for other organizations. Learn more about a specific adjustment here.

Glossary of bill-related terms

Adjustment schedules are listed separately from your energy costs for transparency and because they occasionally change. Adjustments may be added, may expire or may change from debits to credits or vice-versa.

Check out this document for an explanation of each of the adjustments on your PGE bill.

Supports fixed costs such as maintenance, billing and customer service, regardless of the energy used. This is a charge for having service available and is billed even if no electricity is used.

The amount of electricity you used multiplied by the cost for energy as stated in your rate schedule.

If you're on Time of Day, your energy charges will be broken out into the different rate periods.

A late payment charge may be applied to past-due billings.

This charge, mandated by state law, provides funding for low-income residential customers who are unable to pay their electric bills in times of crisis. As utilities collect the funds, they are distributed to community organizations to assist customers in paying their bills.

The power cost adjustment is a charge related to our need to purchase energy from other sources (known as the “open market”) when we need to supplement power to fulfill our customers’ needs. We forecast this need annually.

HB 3141 moved energy efficiency out of the Public Purpose charge and into Schedule 109. The remaining amount in this charge increased from 1.3% to 1.5%. This charge funds renewable resources, energy efficiency in schools and low-income energy efficiency and housing programs. Mandated by state law, this is a fee expiring Jan. 1, 2036. PGE does not keep these funds; they are distributed to organizations with energy-efficiency programs, including Energy Trust of Oregon.

If you opt to choose renewable power from Green Future Block, a separate charge for that option will appear on your bill. If you choose to add Habitat Support that charge will also appear as a separate line item.

These charges cover the cost of bringing power to you, including the cost of maintaining utility poles, lines, substations, transmission towers and other equipment, and restoring power after storms.

Your rights as a PGE customer

Learn more about your rights and responsibilities as an Oregon utility customer.

We're here to help!

Please call 503-228-6322 to speak to a customer service advisor from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. We can assist you in 200+ languages.

If you need more time to pay your bill, you can request a payment extension online.