Habitat Support

When fish swim, we all win.

When you sign up for Green Futureâ„  programs, you can also add Habitat Support.

The additional monthly fee of $2.50 goes directly to The Nature Conservancy  and is dedicated to restoration of local fish habitat. 

Restoration projects our Habitat Support program is funding

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Spring Park

The North Clackamas Park and Recreation District’s Spring Park Natural Area is located on the Willamette River in the City of Milwaukie. 

Wychus Creek

Removal of the last remaining concrete dam on Wychus Creek and its tributaries has opened up 13 miles of habitat upstream for steelhead, redband trout and Chinook salmon in the Deschutes River system in Central Oregon.

Kilchis River

The Nature Conservancy is restoring 66 acres of estuarine and freshwater wetlands on the Kilchis River near its confluence with Tillamook Bay.

Rock Creek

Placing large rocks and logs in the stream and replanting vegetation on the alcove banks were necessary to restore the site to a healthier floodplain with diverse structure and cooler, cleaner water.

Pudding Ponds at Willamette Confluence

Agencies restored multiple habitats at Spring Park and improved access and trails for visitors.

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Green Future Choice, Green Future Block, Green Future Enterprise and Green Future Impact are service marks of Portland General Electric Company.