Energy shifting and why it matters

We're leading the way to a future that brings affordable, reliable, and clean energy to everyone. Partnering with our customers on energy shifting helps bring more sustainable resources into our energy mix while maintaining grid reliability.

How energy shifting works

Peak times occur on certain days when the demand for energy is at its highest. Energy shifting works by asking customers, like you, to move some of your energy use away from those peak times.

Energy shifting creates more flexibility to manage the electric grid which can:

  • Enable integration of more clean energy sources while maintaining grid reliability

  • Help prevent outages when demand for energy is at its very highest

  • Avoid purchasing the highest cost energy when there is a surge in demand and energy sources are limited

The power of energy shifting
The power of energy shifting

Extreme weather has become more common, driving unprecedented hourly peaks that can require every available energy resource to meet demand.

In just the last few years, PGE’s service area has experienced a record-setting "heat dome” (June 2021), the warmest month on record (August 2022), and the highest-ever single-day winter peak demand (December 2022). Energy shifting is a valuable tool in our response to these weather events.

What energy shifting can do

Improve grid reliability and resiliency

Did you know?

This summer’s extreme temperatures created an increased demand for electricity. Energy use during this “peak time” occurred during the evening when people returned home from work, turning up the air conditioner, and running dishwashers and other appliances.

Reducing energy use during these peak times alleviated stress on the grid and PGE equipment, helping the company continue to provide reliable power to customers throughout the day.

When we asked customers to reduce their energy consumption, they showed up and made a big difference – reducing power demand more than 90 megawatts!

Together, we’ll make a difference

Peak times of energy use usually occur on those really cold or hot days when we turn up the heat or AC. But they can also happen when energy demand spikes elsewhere in the region. Energy shifting is all about customers, like you, making small changes to how — and when — they use electricity during these peak times.

Today, 22% of PGE customers participate in one of PGE’s energy-shifting programs. Participants in our Peak Time Rebates and Smart Thermostat programs shifted enough energy during a typical Peak Time Event* to power:

  • 5,450 homes** during winter 2023-24

  • 18,500 homes** during summer 2023

*Peak Time Events typically last only three to four hours and most often happen on weekdays in the late afternoons or evenings or on cold mornings during the winter.

**Approximate number per Peak Time Event and not the sum of all events.

Options for energy shifters

A little bit of energy shifting makes a big difference. PGE offers multiple options and incentives for you to participate in your own home. Choose the one that’s right for you.

Peak Time Rebates

During a Peak Time Event, you decide how to shift your energy by reducing the use of electric appliances or devices such as air conditioning, heating or washer/dryer. Learn more

Smart Thermostat program

Before a Peak Time Event, your smart thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature a few degrees to pre-cool or pre-heat your home, and then reduce energy use during the event. You can always adjust the temperature for your comfort. Learn more

PGE EV Smart Charging

Our Smart Charging program offers rebates to help you charge faster at home with a Level 2 charger. You also get ongoing PGE bill credits for allowing us to shift your electric car charging during times of high energy demand. Learn more

Business customers

Businesses help shift energy too! PGE offers solutions for businesses, so when you participate in a Peak Time Event, there are businesses participating right alongside you, supporting Oregon’s clean energy future. Learn more