During the past year, we’ve been hard at work improving your experience when interacting with PGE. Whether it’s online, over the phone, or even paying your bill, we think you’ll like the change.
We invite you to check out our redesigned website. Packed with customer-friendly features, it’s easy to find the information you need. Now you’ll have a 360○ view of your energy use without having to move between screens.
Coming soon, we are improving our automated phone system with an intelligent virtual assistant. No more phone trees! This new virtual assistant will help you get the information you need more directly and make transactions quicker.
Speaking of transactions. If you’ve ever paid your bill online, it may not have been the most positive experience. That’s about to change with a new system that allows customers to manage their payment preferences all in one place. Here are just some of the key conveniences it’ll offer:
Pay online or through our mobile app
Pay with your checking account routing number or your debit or credit card
Save multiple payment methods in a personal wallet
Split a PGE account payment between two payment methods
Pay multiple PGE accounts at once