
If your home has central air conditioning, an electric forced air furnace or a ducted heat pump, you can enroll in PGE's Smart Thermostat program. You can earn up to $25 for signing up, plus save $25 on your PGE bill each summer and winter season you’re able to participate*.
Shop PGE+ Marketplace to find the right smart thermostat for you.
Download frequently asked questions or the top 3 do’s and dont’s.
What are Smart Thermostat Peak Time Events?
On certain days when energy use is high, we will call a Peak Time Event.
Your thermostat will automatically pre-cool or pre-heat your home before the event, when demand for energy use is lower.
During the event, your smart thermostat will adjust by 1 to 3 degrees from your original settings. Events can last 1 to 4 hours.
After the event, your thermostat will automatically return to its original setting. It’s that easy!
When do Peak Time Events happen and for how long?
There are typically 8 to 9 Peak Time Events each summer and 5 to 6 each winter. Each event lasts between one and four hours, and we don’t schedule events on holidays. Here are the seasons:
Winter season runs Dec. 1 through Feb. 29. Events are typically between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Summer season runs June 1 through Sept. 30. Events are typically between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Do I need to do anything during a Peak Time Event?
No, you don’t need to do anything at all! Just let your thermostat do its thing and make sure no one in your home overrides the settings. Once the event is over, the thermostat will return to its regular settings.
How will I know when a Peak Time Event is happening?
You will receive an email from PGE making sure you're aware the event is happening. You'll also see notifications on your thermostat or smartphone app before and during an event.
Why does my thermostat pre-heat/pre-cool my home before a Peak Time Event?
Pre-cooling/pre-heating your home is an easy way to shift energy use before energy demand is high. This way you’re comfortable when your thermostat adjusts a few degrees during the Peak Time Event. The best part, you don’t have to do a thing!
An hour before a Peak Time Event, your thermostat pre-heats or pre-cools your home — depending on the season. This is done for your comfort and when demand for energy is lower.
During the event, when energy demand is high, your thermostat automatically adjusts by 1 to 3 degrees from your regular setting. This is done to reduce strain on the grid and earns you some sweet rewards!
And just like that, at the end of the Peak Time Event, your thermostat automatically adjusts back to its regular setting.
Here’s an example: it’s winter and your thermostat pre-heats your home:
What if I get too hot or cold during a Peak Time Event?
You’re always in control and can change your thermostat setting at any time. Just adjust your thermostat during the event and follow the prompts to opt out of the event. To earn your program rewards, make sure to participate in at least 50% of the event hours during summer and winter. For tips on staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter, check out our seasonal energy saving tips.
If I turn off my air conditioning system during a Peak Time Event, does that count toward my participation reward?
No, if your air conditioning system is turned off, we can’t automatically adjust your temperature during peak times. Of course, you always have the choice to turn off your home cooling. But that’s not what we are asking Smart Thermostat program customers to do. We want you to be comfortable and stay safe during hot summer days.
Do I get an enrollment or seasonal participation reward?
If you enroll with a thermostat you already own, you will receive a $25 bill credit for enrolling (after we screen for eligibility) and a $25 credit for each season you participate in 50% or more of the event hours for which you were eligible.
If you enroll through the PGE+ Marketplace, you receive a $25 rebate on the purchase of your thermostat. You will also receive a $25 credit for each season you participate in 50% or more of the event hours for which you were eligible.
If you received a free or discounted thermostat installed in your home by PGE, you already received your reward and are not eligible for seasonal participation rewards.
When will I get my seasonal reward?
Seasonal rewards will be applied to your electric bill as a credit the month after the season ends.
Winter season runs December through February and participants who qualify for a reward should receive one on their March bill.
Summer season runs June through September and participants who qualify should receive their credit on their October bill.
If you didn’t get your seasonal reward, email us at or give us a call at 503-228-6322.
What are the benefits of participating?
You can save a little on your bill when you join the program and participate. Also, when everyone shifts their energy use at peak times it adds up to make a big difference. It's a community approach to using more sustainable energy resources, helping to keep energy reliable and supporting Oregon's clean energy future.
Can I participate in both the Smart Thermostat program and Peak Time Rebates?
No, but we do like your enthusiasm! Since both programs reward you for shifting your energy use at the same peak times, you can only be enrolled in one program at a time. However, if you're currently enrolled in Peak Time Rebates and qualify for the Smart Thermostat program, you can always change programs. When you do, we will automatically unenroll you from Peak Time Rebates - once you're enrolled in the Smart Thermostat program.