What: The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWS), in partnership with Portland General Electric, invites media and stakeholders to join a celebratory event announcing the launch of their partnership to complete a major transmission upgrade, funded in part by a $250 million investment from the U.S. Department of Energy.CTWS received the grant from DOE as part of the Grid Resilience Innovative Partnership Program (GRIP).
This project will increase capacity of the Bethel-Round Butte transmission line, a crucial artery in the region’s transmission system, key to enabling renewable energy potential on the CTWS Reservation. This innovative project will unlock resources for the Tribes, including new renewable infrastructure, opportunities for industrial development, clean energy jobs, and revenue. Enhancements to transmission infrastructure will also allow renewable energy from Central and Eastern Oregon – and throughout the West – to be delivered to centers of electrical demand in PGE’s service area.
Please join us for a celebration to kick off this long-term project, featuring remarks from Tribal, utility, and national leaders.
When: December 1, 2023; 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Event agenda includes:
Optional tour of Round Butte Dam & fish facilities
Opening prayer from Warm Springs Tribal Council
Statement of project benefits
Remarks from Tribal, utility, federal, and state leaders
Where: Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project Office 726 SW Lower Bend Rd Madras, OR 97741
Jonathan Smith, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Tribal Council Chairman
Maria Pope, PGE President & CEO
Cathy Ehli, Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprises Executive Director
Other federal and state energy leaders
RSVP: If planning to attend, please RSVP by 11/23/23.
About the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
About Portland General Electric Company
For more information contact:
Cathy Ehli, Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprises
For more information contact:
Allison Dobscha, Portland General Electric Company