PGE-Approved Handhole Manufacturers and Part Numbers

2/14/2024 | Quick Reference Guide | QR 2021-1-PUB

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PGE provides customers with a construction drawing that lists the size and type of handholes used in the job and their locations on the site. The type of handhole is selected by PGE based on the amperage of your service and the type of surface and grade that is adjacent to the vault.

  • IMPORTANT: Notify PGE promptly if there are changes in the type of surfaces or the elevations for your project. PGE’s Design Project Manager must re-review the required handhole and other design details, and those details may need to be changed.

Customers and their developers or contractors are required to use the PGE construction drawing and this list of approved handholes when obtaining the required handholes for their site. PGE is not responsible for sourcing these handholes.

Typically, 17" × 30" handholes are used for streetlighting and for residential or commercial service junction locations. 13" × 24" handholes are used in streetlighting applications only.

Handholes are required to have 3/8"–16 UNC Penta-head hardware and a marking plate labelled ELECTRIC.

If you have further questions or concerns regarding handholes, please contact your PGE Design Project Manager or a PGE inspector.


  • IMPORTANT: Tier 22 handholes may be substituted in place of Tier 15 if Tier 15 handholes are unavailable. Any other handhole substitutions are allowed only with prior approval from PGE.