Smart Grid Test Bed Collaboration

Through the support of the Department of Energy, the Smart Grid Test Bed Collaboration connects neighbors to local and regional businesses and organizations with special offers, smart technologies and reward programs.

This collaboration gives us the power to work as a community to bring more sustainable resources into the mix, keep energy prices lower, and invest in future projects that create local jobs and a healthier environment. If everyone does their part in allowing for more flexibility with their energy use, we’re able to help create a smarter, more dynamic, and reliable grid.

We hope you’ll join your neighbors in being part of the Smart Grid Test Bed Collaboration. Questions? Call Us- 503-929-9801. Your small shifts really do lead to big impacts.

Get $9,500 off your new heat pump

Heat pumps are the most energy efficient heating and cooling options available, cutting your bill in half year after year. Upgrade today and receive up to $9,500 off your new heat pump's purchase and installation. or reach out to one of our Collaboration contractors to schedule.

Neighborhood Map

Live on the border of the map? Visit the full map PGE  to zoom in or enter your address in the magnifying glass field to find your home.

For residential customers, the first step is easy —

Simply schedule your free Home Energy Score (HES) assessment. These assessments are now mandatory for selling a home in Portland and can cost up to $250 but are being offered at no cost to Smart Grid Test Bed Collaboration participants. This nationally recognized tool enables us to determine which energy efficiency measures and/or smart energy programs are right for your home.

If you are at or below 80% of area median income (AMI) you may qualify for additional incentives through Community Energy Project.

Schedule your Home Energy Analysis

The information provided to schedule a Home Energy Score is collected by Community Energy Project and is subject to their terms and conditions PGE.

Frequently asked questions

The Collaboration is providing free Home Energy Scores to single family homeowners within the project area delivered by Community Energy Project. Priority is given to homes with no score, or a score created prior to 2021.

An authorized Home Energy Assessor from Community Energy Project will do a home inspection and ask questions about your home’s foundation, insulation, walls, and windows, as well as heating, cooling, and hot water systems. The length of the assessment could vary based on the size of the building, but generally takes around an hour.

As the Home Energy Assessor conducts your assessment, they’ll enter the information into the U.S. Department of Energy’s Home Energy Score software. This software analyzes your home’s energy use and produces a score based on criteria established by the Department of Energy. This ensures all homes’ energy use can be compared fairly and objectively.

Your home’s energy use will be ranked on a scale of one to ten, in which five represents an average rate of home energy use and ten represents the most energy efficient home.

In addition to a numerical score, you’ll also get:

  • Information about your home’s energy use based on the physical characteristics of your house (not your personal habits or preferences)

  • An estimate of annual energy costs

  • Recommendations on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency

What happens once I have my Home Energy Score? When your assessment is complete, CEP will provide you with a copy of your report, which will also be available online at the Green Building Registry. You’ll also have recommendations for energy saving upgrades and special program incentives as a result of your Home Energy Score.

Want to save energy in winter and summer? You don’t have to get a new heating system to get started. Learn more

No matter how efficient your heating and cooling system, if your home isn’t weatherized, you’ll waste energy and your home will feel hot or cold. Learn more

Learn how to save with the second highest energy user in most homes. Learn more

Wake up every morning with a full battery. Learn more

The most effective place to reduce high energy bills. Learn more

Already have solar and want to increase your impact? Learn more

Find approved contractors for the Collaboration

PGE’s Income-Qualified Bill Discount Program provides ongoing, monthly help with your electric bill in addition to any other assistance you may be getting from us or other agencies.

Depending on your annual household income and household size, your monthly discount could be between 15 and 25%. We don’t require any financial documents from you to apply—we only need to know your household size and average gross annual household income.

Enrollment is available to qualifying residential PGE customers. Eligibility is based on your household size and the combined average annual gross income (before taxes) for all members of your household who are 18+.

Learn more

Own a business in the Smart Grid Test Bed Collaboration area?

Please visit our Business and Commercial page to schedule an Energy Savings Checkup with one of our specialists and learn about incentives available through Energy Trust of Oregon and PGE!