Bill comparison
Compare your current bill to past bills. Gain insight into how weather, energy used, or the number of days in the billing period may have impacted your bill.
Understand and control your energy use with our free, easy-to-use tools.
To start, simply sign in to or create your online account.
Bill comparison
Compare your current bill to past bills. Gain insight into how weather, energy used, or the number of days in the billing period may have impacted your bill.
Energy use charts
See how your household’s energy use changes by the hour, the day and the month or compare your energy use to similar homes in your area.
Ways to save
With customized tips for your home, you’ll find ways to make the most of the energy you use and identify opportunities to save.
Home energy analysis
Answer a few questions about your home, its heating and cooling systems and appliances and get a customized view of what is using the most energy and tips on how to reduce.
We get it. Sometimes you just need a little extra time. Request a payment extension online or give us a call at 503-228-6322.
Put more money back in your pocket.