Climate change is a serious subject. But learning about it can be fun.

Hands-on, engaging learning experiences that ignite curiosity can happen anywhere. Whether it’s in the classroom or outside, we offer a variety of educational resources for students of all ages, informed by our partnership with Portland Public Schools as we deliver the first ever fully integrated K-12 Climate Literacy curriculum.

Some of these activities require a printer but many can be completed using a smartphone or laptop. Many of these options can be used to support learning taking place in the classroom (ask your student’s teacher about them), while others are just for fun. Check out the table below for grade-level-appropriate options.

Mad Science presents Hazard Hamlet; observations about electricity and safety

  • Physical Science: Insulations and Conductors

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Activity: Healthy or Harmful?

  • Life Science: Parents and their Offspring

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Activity: Recipe for Hydropower

  • Physical Science: Pushes and Pulls

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Video: Virtual tour of Pelton Round Butte hydropower project and Q&A with a biologist

  • Life Science: Animals, Plants & Their Environment

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Virtual tour of Pelton Round Butte hydropower project (without biologist Q&A)

  • Life Science: Animals, Plants & Their Environment

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Harborton Habitat Restoration

  • Life Science: Animals, Plants & Their Environment

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Deeper Dive: Become a Junior Ranger

  • Life Science

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Activity: Restore Your River

  • Life Science: Ecology

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Virtual Speaker Request (min of 10 children): Host a conversation with a fish biologist

  • Life Science

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Virtual tour of downstream fish passage on the Clackamas

  • Life Science: Ecology

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Acoustic Telemetry study behind the scenes

  • Life Science: Ecology

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Activity: Deschutes Activities Packet

  • Just for fun

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Activity: Camp-in campout activity card

  • Just for fun

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Video: Salmon, Science and Stewardship – Q&A with a biologist

  • Life Science: Ecology

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Drone on the Range

  • Next Generation Science Standards 11.1 Eco-diversity and Biodiversity

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Activity: Juniper, Fire and Wildlife

  • Next Generation Science Standards 11.1 Eco-diversity and Biodiversity

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Video: Mini Sharma-Ogle: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective, Unit 1: Intro to Climate Change and Climate Justice

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Gonzalo Mendez: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective Unit 2: Climate Science and Climate Resilience

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Elysia Treanor & Elaine Hart: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective Unit 3: Climate Change Effects, Impacts and Solutions

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Caitlin Horsley: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective Unit 3: Climate Change Effects, Impacts and Solutions

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Geoff Moore: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective Unit 3: Climate Change Effects, Impacts and Solutions

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: McKena Miyashiro & Cristian Salgado: What is my role?

  • Portland Public Schools 11/12 Climate Elective Unit 4: Climate Justice Politics and Economics

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Virtual Speaker Request (min of 10 students): Host a conversation with a terrestrial biologist

  • Next Generation Science Standards 11.1 Eco-diversity and Biodiversity

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Virtual Speaker Request (min of 10 students): Host a conversation with a water quality specialist

  • Next Generation Science Standards 10.3 Elements and Periodic Table

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Worksheet: Clean Energy Word Search

  • Clean Energy

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Worksheet: Clean Energy Word Game

  • Clean Energy

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Worksheet: Energy-Saving Coloring Page - Kitchen

  • Energy Saving

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Worksheet: Energy-Saving Coloring Page - Living Room

  • Energy Saving

  • Materials: Access to a computer and printer

Video: Steer Clear of Electric Sockets

  • Electrical Safety

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Don’t Touch Downed Power Lines

  • Electrical Safety

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Look Up Before You Play

  • Electrical Safety

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone

Video: Electricity and Water Don’t Mix

  • Electrical Safety

  • Materials: Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone