Keep comfortable, save energy and money with a free Flair Puck Wi-Fi thermostat.
With your free Flair Puck Wi-Fi thermostat, you can save energy and earn money by participating in our Ductless Heat Pump Rewards program.
Without lifting a finger, you can earn up to $25 per year in rebates on your PGE bill for participating in Peak Time Events.
It’s easy – your thermostat does all the work and you get all the rewards.
When energy use is high, like on a really hot day or cold morning, we may notify you ahead of time by email or text. When the event starts, your Flair Puck thermostat will adjust your ductless heat pump by about two degrees for a few hours. You can always choose to override the thermostat during an event with no penalty; you just won’t receive payment for that event.
By having your thermostat automatically shift some of your energy use away from peak times, you’re helping keep prices low for everyone and enabling the use of more sustainable energy.
Do I need to do anything during an event?
Not at all! Just let your thermostat do its thing and make sure no one in your house overrides the settings. Once the event is over, the thermostat will return to its regular settings.
What if I get too hot or cold?
You’re always in control and can change your thermostat setting at any time. To get the most rewards, make sure to participate in as many events as possible. For tips on staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter, check out our seasonal energy saving tips.
How much money can I earn on the pilot?
You’ll earn $1 for every kilowatt-hour of energy you shift during a Peak Time Event. Your earnings will show up as a credit on your PGE bill each month and by the end of the first year on the pilot, you could earn up to $25.
Do you have questions about the program or the PGE Smart Grid Test Bed? We’d be glad to answer them. Contact us at, and we’ll walk you through everything.
By using less energy when others are using more, you:
Decrease the need for new power generation
Help keep energy costs lower for everyone
Help create a smarter, more resilient grid
Ensure a reliable and responsible energy future for Oregon
Learn more about how we deliver energy to your home and the impact of peak times on the type of energy generated.