A Message from our CEO

Taking action to make our planet cleaner for generations to come

Climate change is having a very real impact on our community and around the world. As an energy company, we are taking action to reduce the threat of climate change, improve air and water quality and make our planet cleaner for generations to come.

Thanks to PGE customers, we have the largest voluntary renewable power program in the nation, which equates to about 1.4 million tons of carbon avoided each year. We’re committed to equitably and seamlessly delivering clean energy to our region.

We have a vision for a clean and reliable energy future that has been honed through our discussions with national experts and stakeholders and informed by our deep decarbonization study . It is rooted in a holistic approach to sustainability that balances the well-being of our communities, the health of our planet and the performance of our company.

We’ve made a lot of progress, and we know we must continue to listen and collaborate. We are in the process of acquiring an additional 100 average megawatts of renewable power generating resources for our customers and working with stakeholders to develop a 100 percent green energy product that will help our cities and larger commercial customers meet their clean energy goals.

As we look forward, I’m confident in our dedicated team’s ability to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions on our system by more than 80 percent by 2050¹;

  • Increase our renewable resources and more efficiently integrate them into our electricity supply;

  • Build and operate a smarter, more resilient power grid;

  • And partner with customers to integrate their own technologies, such as solar panels, connected-home devices, electric vehicles and battery storage.

As an Oregonian who cares deeply about our region, I want to thank you for your support and for all you do to help us create a clean and sustainable environment in our state.

Maria Pope, president and CEO

¹Goal based on PGE’s proportionate share of Oregon’s economy-wide goal using 2010 as the base year.