2016 Report
Woven into the DNA of most Oregonians is the desire for a clean, sustainable and green future. It was that desire that propelled the Oregon Clean Electricity Plan, Senate Bill 1547, through the Oregon legislature in 2016.
The Oregon Clean Electricity Plan calls for a significant increase in the amount of renewable power in our generation mix in a relatively short amount of time. While some companies might view this as too large a challenge - to deliver, reliable, affordable and greener power - we saw it as an opportunity. After all, we are Oregonians too and also want a cleaner energy future.
We partnered with other electric utilities, environmental groups, clean energy partners and consumer advocates to help get this bill passed. “We saw this as an opportunity to work in tandem with groups on legislation that would help PGE and Oregon lead the nation in the quest for a cleaner energy future” said Dave Robertson, Vice President, Public Policy and Resiliency.
Today, we’re on schedule. Our 2016 mix had 40 percent coming from eligible renewable resources and other resources like hydro that also avoid greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, our one remaining coal plant in Oregon will cease coal-fired operations, 20 years ahead of end of life. And, by 2040, 70 percent of our mix will come from clean energy.
Together, we can meet and exceed the Oregon Clean Electricity Plan goals and make Oregon a clean energy leader.
For more information, check out our Key Metrics summary.